Online Application


  1. The    applications    are    submitted    online     only    at     the     following    address:
  2. Applications should be submitted according to the online application handbook available here:
  3. The online application form should be filled in CAPITAL LETTERS (except from the e-mail address).
  4. It is the responsibility of the students to fill in correctly the application documents and upload the required documents.
  5. All the required documents and information should be uploaded to the system. Applications that are incomplete will not be assessed.
  6. All the documents uploaded to the system must be approved at the time of application.
  7. Applicants can only apply to ONE programme.
  8. The following documents must be uploaded to the online application form.
  9. The documents to upload online are as follows

    9.1 High School Certificate and its Turkish translation

High school diploma translated into Turkish by an approved Turkish Representation (Turkish Embassy or Notary Public for applicants residing in Turkey). For candidates who have not received their diploma yet, a formal certificate of graduation (translated into Turkish –see above) from high school including a graduation date and a graduation mark will be accepted.
           9.2 Transcript of Records

Transcript of records of High School Education translated into Turkish by an approved Turkish Representation (Turkish Embassy or Notary Public for applicants residing in Turkey).

           9.3.Proof of Exam Result

A proof of exam result should be uploaded to the system. Only a limited number of exams are accepted: See tables 1, 2 and 3 above.

           9.4.Photocopy of Passport

The personal information page of the passport should be uploaded. Applicants who do not hold a passport do not need to upload any document.

          9.5.Passport-size photograph